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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Clutter Clearing Challenge - Mission impossible?

(Google images)

When working full time and living in a family of 6 tackling clutter can feel like a losing battle.
I find it hard parting with my stuff, because most of the stuff I have in my home I probably bought or loved at some point in time. However, clutter really bogs me down, and I feel unproductive and hard to focus.
I have read many articles and watched videos for inspiration and tips on how to tackle this task.  Many share the same approach of when tackling a cluttered area you need to decide if each item either; 1. stays, 2. donate/sell, or 3. trash.  For me this is definitely easier said than done. I always tend to be a little ADD when going through this step and unable to stick to one area as recommended, and instead tend to move randomly throughout the house chipping away a bit her and a bit there.  Definitely not the most efficient method, but sometimes I just can't make that decision at the moment and taking a break and working on another area helps me refresh and then I am able to come back and chip away at it again at a later time.
This last week I had the week off work and went on a clutter clearing frenzy and it felt soooooo good.  Maybe not everyone's idea of a fun vacation (ask the hubby), but for me it feels so good and helps me feel back in control.  Having a week off I was really able to focus and easily rid my home of the remaining bags of clutter from the 40 bags in 40 days challenge - Mission completed!
What I learned?  Clutter can be like weeds growing in your garden, and if left unattended will takes over.  Schedule time regularly to address clutter so the task does not seem so overwhelming.

Anyone planning on visiting? Now would probably be a good time.