I Heart

Hiking, Biking, and just being outdoors enjoying nature.

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Silly Hats!

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Having Fun!!!

I Heart

Running, Basketball, Soccer, Hiking, Biking, anything sports.


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Clutter Clearing Challenge

Living in a family of six I find myself constantly in a battle with clutter.  Loving to shop and re-purpose things doesn't help much either. My latest fall guy to blame is Pinterest - you just never know what great idea you can find to make out of old T-shirts :)
Recently while surfing various blogs I came across a challenge "40 bags in 40 days" where you set the goal of purging 40 bags of stuff over 40 days (does not need to be consecutive days).  I started in a couple of rooms; kids closets, my closet, and laundry room. I don't think I have properly finished any of these rooms, but at least it is a start. I have probably about 3 days down and yesterday I delivered 8 bags to the DI donation truck, 1 bag garbage, 1 bag for recycling bin, and 1 bag of potential future up-cycling projects = 11 Bags, well really 10 - I can't really count the last bag as it is not leaving the house, just moved to a new location (Thanks Pinterest!).
What I learned - best to get rid of your donations promptly before you change your mind or come up with a new use for it.